Kyivan Rus'

WHS that include buildings or structures constructed in the first East Slavic state (9th century to 1240), before the Mongol invasion. The Kyivan Rus' (referred to as "Ancient/Old Russia" in Russia) spanned parts of the modern nations of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.

Connected Sites

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Churches of the Pskov School of Architecture "As a group, they demonstrate integrity by including examples of all the historic stages of development of the Pskov School's output, ranging from the early formative stages in the 12th century" (Official description)
Kyiv Cathedral and Lavra "The Cathedral has preserved its ancient interiors and the collection of mosaics and frescoes of the 11th century is unique for its integrity (...) The architectural ensemble of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra comprises unique surface and underground churches from the 11th to the 19th centuries" (Official description)
Novgorod "A serial property, the Historic Monuments of Novgorod and its Surroundings have a direct relation to the process of establishment of the Old Russian state in 9th-10th centuries." (Official description)
White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal "There are a number of magnificent 12th- and 13th-century public and religious buildings" (Official description)


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